It's no secret that the BMW N54 motor suffers from serious oil control problems causing oil to blow through and coat the intercooler and charge piping, gunking up intake valves and the VANOS system, lowering the effective octane, and generally degrading engine performance. The higher your boost levels the more apparent these problems become.
The solution to this problem has finally arrived. The BMS oil catch can. While there are other catch cans on the market they all fall short in various areas. Some are mounted on the hot/turbo side of the motor preventing proper vapor condensation. Others utilize hoses that are too small and runs that are too long to allow proper PCV ventilation causing internal motor / ring sealing issues. Some have insufficient or no internal baffle system while others have internal baffles systems that are too restrictive for the N54 motor. Most are simply repackaged oil catch cans from smaller / lower power motors shoe horned in to place in the N54 engine bay.
To solve these problems BMS designed their oil catch can kit from the ground up specifically for the N54 application. It features 100% CNC machining with zero welding for a precision fit and long life. The hoses exceed the OEM PCV piping in diameter and that flow rate is maintained throughout the entire oil catch can ensuring no excessive crankcase pressure buildup. The mounting location is out of the way under the cowl allowing for shorter lines, more efficient operation, and a very stealthy look. Install takes around 20 minutes, includes all required hardware, and is 100% reversible. Simply unscrew the base of the can to empty it's contents every 3-6 months.
BMS Oil Catch Can Features
• Increases Air Intake Efficiency
• Promotes Engine Longevity
• Non-Clogging Air/Oil Separation Double Baffle
• Free Flow Solid Design
• Large Intake / Exhaust No Tapering Down
• Stealth Mounting on Cool Side of the Motor
• Anodized Black Lightweight Aluminum
• Mounts Out of Sight Under the Cowl
• Made in USA
Applications (This kit is for the later model N55 Cars)
• 2008+ E82 Coupe 135i / 1M
• 2006+ E90 Sedan 335i / 335xi
• 2006+ E91 Touring 335i / 335xi
• 2006+ E92 Coupe 335i / 335xi / 335is
• 2007+ E93 Convertible 335i / 335xi
• 2008-2010 E60 Sedan 535i / 535 xi
Emissions Notice to Customers in California
Burger Motorsports, LLC has ceased selling performance parts in California. If you previously purchased competition use only performance parts from Burger Motorsports, please refer to the information below. If you have any further questions, please contact us.
Burger Motorsports, LLC sells both replacement and competition use only performance parts. Competition use only parts are clearly labeled as competition use only in the product listing page and may only be used according to the guidelines posted below.
California regulates automobile aftermarket parts that have the potential to impact emissions. In most cases, the sale and use of emissions related aftermarket parts on automobiles is prohibited unless it is either a "replacement part" as defined by California, or is a specifically authorized use of that part as reflected in an Executive Order ("EO Part.")
The California Air Resources Board (ARB) regulates aftermarket parts and has promulgated regulations that essentially place all emissions related aftermarket parts into three categories:
(1) Replacement Parts Replacement Parts are aftermarket parts that ARB considers to be functionally equivalent to the stock part they are intended to replace, and therefore would not impact the emissions from these vehicles. These parts are appropriate for sale and use on automobiles used on or off the public highways. For aftermarket exhaust systems and parts, there are two applicable scenarios:
(a) If the automobiles stock exhaust system does not contain a catalytic converter, then an aftermarket exhaust part is a replacement part as long as the part does not remove or replace any emission control equipment originally attached to the stock exhaust system, such as oxygen sensors.
(b) If the automobiles stock exhaust system contains a catalytic converter in the manifold section of the stock exhaust system, then an aftermarket muffler positioned downstream from the catalytic converter (i.e. cat-back) is a replacement part as long as the part does not remove or replace any emission control equipment originally attached to the stock exhaust system.
(2) Executive Order Parts Executive Order Parts are aftermarket parts that ARB has evaluated and determined do not adversely impact emissions, and thereby are granted an Executive Order (EO), which allows the part to be sold and used on specified automobiles. Any aftermarket exhaust system that replaces or otherwise impacts emission control equipment, including catalytic converters, requires an EO to be sold and used on a automobile used on or off a public highway.
(3) Competition Use Only Parts may not be sold or used on an automobile that is used on or off the public highways other than those automobiles used exclusively for competition. Competition Use Only Parts are aftermarket parts that replace or otherwise interfere with the operation of an emission control device, such as a catalytic converter or oxygen sensor, and may be sold and used on an automobile that is used only for closed course competition.
THESE PARTS ARE LEGAL FOR USE ONLY IN COMPETITION RACING VEHICLES AS DEFINED UNDER CALIFORNIA LAW, AND ARE NOT LEGAL FOR USE IN ANY OTHER MOTOR VEHICLE. California law defines a "racing vehicle" as "a competition vehicle not used on public highways." (Calif. Health & Safety Code 39048) These parts may only be used on competition racing vehicles operated exclusively on a closed course in conjunction with a sanctioned racing event. Competition-only motor vehicles may not be driven to a racing event on a public highway and must be transported on a trailer or other carrier. USE OF THESE PARTS IN ANY OTHER VEHICLE MAY SUBJECT YOU TO FINES AND PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF FEDERAL AND/OR STATE LAW, WILL VOID YOUR WARRANTY FROM BURGER MOTORSPORTS, LLC, AND CAN VOID YOUR VEHICLE'S WARRANTY. It is your responsibility to comply with all applicable federal and state laws relating to use of these parts, and Burger Motorsports, LLC hereby disclaims any liability resulting from the failure to use these parts in compliance with all applicable federal and state laws.